JavaScript 및 Node.js 학습 자료 정리

자바스크립트 및 Node.js에 대해 현재 학습에 활용하고 있는 자료와 내용을 공유해드립니다. 학습 정리는 다음과 같이 하고 있습니다. 확인해 주시고 추가 학습방향에 대해서 가이드 해주시면 감사하겠습니다.

JavaScript 및 Node.js 학습 자료 정리

JavaScript 학습자료 링크

학습내용 (학습완료)

  • JavaScript Lexical Structure
  • JavaScript Expressions
  • JavaScript Types
  • JavaScript Variables
  • JavaScript Math Operators
  • JavaScript Functions
  • JavaScript Immediately-Invoked Function Expressions IIFE
  • this
  • JavaScript Arrow Functions
  • JavaScript Loops
  • JavaScript Loops and Scope
  • JavaScript Arrays
  • JavaScript Template Literals
  • JavaScript Semicolons
  • Strict Mode
  • JavaScript Timers
  • JavaScript Promises
  • Async and Await
  • The JavaScript Event Loop
  • JavaScript Events

Node.js 학습자료 링크

학습내용 (promises 학습 중)

  • Introduction to Node.js
  • A brief history of Node.js
  • How to install Node.js
  • How much JavaScript do you need to know to use Node?
  • Differences between Node and the Browser
  • The V8 JavaScript Engine
  • How to exit from a Node.js program
  • How to read environment variables from Node.js
  • Where to host a Node.js app
  • How to use the Node.js REPL
  • Node, accept arguments from the command line
  • Accept input from the command line in Node
  • Expose functionality from a Node file using exports
  • Introduction to npm
  • Where does npm install the packages?
  • How to use or execute a package installed using npm
  • The package.json guide
  • The package-lock.json file
  • Find the installed version of an npm package
  • Install an older version of an npm package
  • Update all the Node dependencies to their latest version
  • Semantic Versioning using npm
  • Uninstalling npm packages
  • npm global or local packages
  • npm dependencies and devDependencies
  • The npx Node Package Runner
  • The Event Loop
  • Understanding process.nextTick()
  • Understanding setImmediate()
  • Timers
  • Asynchronous Programming and Callbacks
  • Promises <= 현재 학습 진행 중
  • Async and Await
  • The Node Event emitter
  • How HTTP requests work
  • The HTTP protocol
  • Build an HTTP Server
  • Making HTTP requests with Node
  • HTTP requests in Node using Axios
  • Using WebSockets in Node.js
  • Working with file descriptors in Node
  • Node file stats
  • Node File Paths
  • Reading files with Node
  • Writing files with Node
  • Working with folders in Node
  • The Node fs module
  • The Node path module
  • The Node os module
  • The Node events module
  • The Node http module
  • Node.js Streams
  • The basics of working with MySQL and Node
  • The difference between development and production

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