Medium - Optimize Swift build and compile times in Xcode

원문 - Batikan

Trend 파악을 Medium 기고문 요약 포스팅 - Xcode에서 스위프트의 빌드타임과 컴파일 타임을 최적화하기

Set your environment, increase your speed. Image credit: Unsplash

1-Showing build times in Xcode

defaults write ShowBuildOperationDuration -bool YES
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData

Xcode Compiler Timer

2-Find code that compiles slowly

Warn long function bodies and warn long-expression type checking

3-Setting the Build active architecture Only

Warn long function bodies and warn long-expression type checking

4-Code Generation-(Optimization Level, Compilation Mode)

Code Generation — Compilation Mode

Code Generation — Optimization Level

5-Xcode has a new build system

Xcode New Build System

6-Manageable and Accessible Dependencies


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